Thursday, February 26, 2009

Please welcome Luca Cerys Lim!

He's finally here!  Please meet Luca Cerys Lim!
Born Feb 23rd at 4:04 pm
3040 grams and 49.5 cm
So on Sunday Feb 22nd, my water broke around 5pm.  I didn't think my water had broken since it was just a trickle, but Bandie thought it had.  He made me call the hospital and we ended up there around 7pm.  Bandie was right as always, my water was broken and the Dr. told me I wouldn't be going home without my baby!!!!
Contractions started around 9pm.  I was in excruciating pain.  I threw up a few times since my body was in shock.  I got no sleep and hoped that Luca would come soon.  At 9am the Dr. came in to check on me and told me the bad news.  I was only 3-4 cm dilated!!!  They had to give me meds to help me dilate more.  It took 5 more hours for me to dilate fully and finally was able to push.  The pushing lasted for about 2 hours.  About 30 min before Luca's arrival, the Dr. told me she could see his head and told me I could touch his head.  It was such a weird feeling!  I felt his hair and head with my fingertips!  
Beautiful little Luca Bun finally decided to show up at 4:04 pm.
L&D was not an easy thing.  It was actually much harder than I thought.  But staring at perfect little Luca, I could do it again and again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! That is SOOOO EXCITING! I am sorry I haven't been able to see you up until this point, but now I'm even more excited :-)